In addition to the benefits that the club brings to students and parents, it should also be interesting and fun to participate in. Parents will not want to force their children to receive paid additional education if they do not enjoy it. Therefore, if a student receives value from learning robotics in the club, they will attend classes regularly and for a long time.
What kind of atmosphere should be created so that the student enjoys studying in the club?
Club values for children that will keep your students for a long time:
Children create their own club of like-minded people, a place where everyone shares common interests, both boys and girls, everyone codes, builds robots, and draws in 3D, is interested in technology and IT innovations.
There is no competition in the club in an explicit form and no grading system. Children work on many projects in teams, older children help younger ones. There are cases when older children become assistants to the teacher in classes for younger ones. Mutual assistance and teamwork are very popular with children, and they want to receive more similar experiences from learning.
The robotics club is NOT a school, even the desks are arranged differently, there is some unusual cool furniture, there are 3D printers and funny robots on the walls. You can stay longer or come early, chat with the teacher or administrator, look at magazines and books, just sit on your phone in a safe and friendly space where you won't be scolded.
Yes, we code robots and create applications, but these can be algorithms that the child came up with himself or topics for applications that are currently relevant to the student. For example, our student created an application for monitoring a pet, whether it was fed on time and in a good mood. And a senior student created a robot for pouring water into cups and a greenhouse with hydroponic plant watering. The gaming format and freedom of choice of topics for projects, whether it's Minecraft or superheroes, is another great factor for forming a stable interest in children's activities.
Finally, the creative component of learning, creative programming, means not just solving math problems and writing formulas, but creating a design for an application, creating a plot for a game or cartoon, studying a topic to create an online quiz. Developing author's 3D jewelry, keychains or figurines of favorite characters with the owner's name. It's not easy, but very interesting, so students continue to study at ROBBO CLUB from year to year.