International network of robotics, coding and 3D-prototyping schools

Join the ROBBO robotics clubs franchise and make money by doing what you love!

  • 150+ clubs and 500+ schools in 35 countries
  • Investments starting from 40 000 EUR
  • ROI from 12 to 18 months
  • We produce our own equipment
  • Methodology and curriculum in English
How do we create an innovative educational space?
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• ROBBO CLUB - winner of the Next-Gen School Solution by EdTech Breakthrough Awards in 2021 ROBBO curriculum was developed by the Helsinlki University Methodological Center Innokas
• ROBBO equipment was produced for kids and has all necessary quality certificates
• The equipment and curriculum are used in 500+ schools around the globe and the number of schools at the ROBBO network is growing
• Winner of business contests for startups: FINLANDING contest and FUKUOKA City Award

• Systematic approach to teaching
• Original study curriculum
• Teacher qualification assessment and children knowledge evaluation
• Registered trademark
• Management expertise
• Investment starting from 40 000 EUR
• Royalties 350 EUR/month
• Reaching a break-even point within 4 months of school work
• Business launch within 45 days
• ROI after 12-18 months
Reliable Product
Advanced technologies
Proven business model
Figures and Facts about us
ROBBO Club – is not just a business for money. It's education for future engineers, programmers, 3D experts. Here kids create their own robots, mobile apps and video games: they're changing the world right now.

However, it's not just a hobby. Using our business model you will get a positive ROI within 12-18 months. We implement different class formats and education process continues throughout the year. That is why ROBBO CLUB is a business that does not depend on the season.

ROBBO CLUB franchise provides an easy access to the growing market of IT education for children and teenagers. It is not for everyone. However, those who love robots and technologies, those who want to make a contribution to science – will get pleasure and make money doing what they love.
Maria Hakkarainen
What is ROBBO Club
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ROBBO CLUB generates profit if you take it seriously
There are several business models with different approaches to minimize costs and with various formats of launching the ROBBO CLUB from scratch. They are suitable for the cities with the population of 20 000 people or more. Most importantly – ROBBO CLUB is a fully-fledged supplementary education, like school education, and therefore it is much more profitable than any club.
  • Well defined education plan
    In other clubs kids are just hanging out, but we have a defined curriculum and educational goals. As a result, an study duration in a usual club is 2-3 months, but the average study duration in our club is 18 months and above.
  • Programs for different ages
    The learning process is designed with great clarity and covers 5 different directions step by step. Moreover, it is also specific for different age groups. We have created a program for the first, second and third years of study for three age groups: 5-7 years old, 8-10 years old and 11-15 years old.
  • Educational events
    We hold our own ROBBO festival and Scratch competition, and we also participate in International events in the IT sphere.
An average number of children attending ROBBO classes - 120 kids per month
An average time to reach the break-even point
4 months
Average payback period (ROI)
1-1,5 year
Positive ROI from ROBBO CLUB

Positive ROI from the classes arrives after 12 months of work

Break-even point arrives in the fourth month!


Wage fund
Every year we grow our network
By 2023 we will reach the rate of 200+ clubs worldwide
public schools
Our partners about ROBBO CLUB
Interview with the ROBBO Club franchisee, Romania, Vlad Dumitrescu
I launched my ROBBO Club on the first month of the pandemic. The support team helped to quickly rebuild the business in a new reality and to start making money! At the present time I have an offline club and the regularly attended classes.
Interview with the ROBBO Club franchisee, Georgia, Boris Lipatov
I opened ROBBO Club online in Tbilisi. At the pandemic peak I had more than 150 students. The summer after restrictions were removed, I held a summer camp offline. Children enjoyed a lot that format!
Launch a business
We have a standard start-up procedure from pre-project preparation to the start of the operation. It is divided in 10 steps, each one is led by our employees or departments: 56 employees and 5 departments work on the project simultaneously.
Partner care Department
  • Director of the franchising department
  • 4 startup managers
  • 2 first-line support specialists
Methodological Department
  • Academic adviser
  • Department head
  • Senior methodologist
  • 2 methodologist's assistants
  • 20 teachers authors
  • 20 approbators
Marketing Department
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Contextual advertising specialist (Direct and Adwords)
IT Department
  • Head of the IT department
  • Programmer
  • Tester
Technical Department
  • Technical Director
  • Technical Director's Assistant
  • Two 3D-specialists

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What does each partner get with the franchise kit?
First of all it is understanding what to do and how to do it, and in what order from day 1 to the launching day and so on. Every step is explained, described and regulated, you understand exactly what to do, why you do it and what result you will get in the end. In doing so you won't have to do anything from scratch, you will have everything you need: design projects, furniture, equipment, promo materials, study plans, legal documents and many more.
As a result, if you follow our instructions, you'll be able to open your own club within 45 days
Franchising package
Our own equipment is produced in Finland
Motherboard with transmitters and coding sensors packed in a firm transparent cartridge. Students can see the content and they will be able to study the microelectronic circuit without losing all the parts. It is meant to program computer communication with external devices. It can also be used as a joystick.
ROBBO Robot kit
A wheel-based system that allows to secure extra modules and sensors on it. Robot kit is controlled by the smartphone, computer or ROBBO Lab. This is a free hardware, the projects's site has all the necessary schemes, booklets, list of parts, instructions, so that anyone could build a robot and learn to control it within an hour.
3D-printer ROBBO Mini
A compact tool for teaching 3D-prototyping and 3D printing with an instruction manual and a software. It will bring any idea to life. The kids will draw a model and the 3D-printer will turn it to a real 3D object made of plastic. Instead of drawing, you can choose a sample, but bear in mind that the printing size has to be 170х100х100 mm.
ROBBO Arduino kit
ROBBO Arduino kit is necessary for teaching the basics of electronics. The kit consists of 79 electronic components that easily connect to Arduino's microcontroller. By using the «Designing robots on Arduino» guide, kids will learn the basics of electronics and the working principles of microcontrollers, will learn to create electronic devices and will be able to control them using PC, smartphone or Lab.
Our course content
Full guidance
Expert opinion
Introductory interview and consultation for every partner and then guidance and support throughout work process.
Help with purchases
Help with selection and equipping the premises, with buying and delivering equipment.
Scheduled launching plan
Formation of the calendar plan for launching and opening the club. Support of the startup manager (current franchisee) during the launching process.
Methodological webinars
Quarterly methodological webinars, constant updates of the master classes and promo materials.
PR support
Informing of the events and company news.
Teacher selection
Posting job openings for teacher selection, conducting tests and preliminary interviews.
Technical and Juridical support
Technical and methodological support. Juridical guidance.
Contextual advertising
Assistance with the launching of contextual advertising in Google.
Brand support
Creation of the corporate connections, of the site with brand subdomain, provision of the polygraphy layouts.
Instructions on how to launch a robotics club, a launching plan.

Business-book with the main sta ndards.

Marketing-book with the description of the product and its advantages.

Pricing guidelines that include your region's special features.
Here are some franchising materials that you will get
Laws about the club promotion in educational market.

System of organization and club management.

Study road map of the club and study plan.

Recommendations on selection and logistics of the equipment and approved study literature.
Staff demands and legal framework for the work with students and teachers.

Scripts of master classes and citywide events.

Recommendations on getting a license for educational activities.

Webinars on launching, advertising, marketing and attracting clients.
Come to the weekly webinar with the ROBBO team, ask questions and calculate the financial business model for your city.
Join our webinars on Thursdays!
Sign up for the regular ROBBO webinar
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Winners in the nomination
ROBBO became a winner of EdTech Breakthrough Awards-2021 for next-generation educational technology.

The multi-discipline center ROBBO showed its professionalism in the international EdTech Breakthrough and made its product (ROBBO Academy Future Skills) popular worldwide.

ROBBO Academy Future Skills, the multi-discipline training center for kids, became the Next-Gen Schools Solution of the Year.
by the ‘Education Technology Insights’ magazine
Top 10 EdTech Solution Companies in Europe 2022
‘Education Technology Insights’ is an international magazine that showcases innovative solutions meeting the today’s demands of the EdTech industry.

Every year ‘Education Technology Insights’ list 10 companies in Europe that are at the forefront of providing EdTech solutions and impacting the marketplace.
A comprehensive approach is at the core of the franchise's success
We started as a club in Helsinki. In six months, we managed to get a stable income out of it and opened new venues. Step by step a whole network was created. We were able to do it because we have created our own system and included all processes in it: we analysed, digitized, defined standards and made them obligatory for every employee.
We help to find a premise in a favourable location and prepare it for the start of work
  • Negotiate a location starting from 40 sq.m
  • Buy computers and equipment
  • Deliver ROBBO sets from Finland
  • Use class design recommendations and repair your room
Training courses for your teachers
We conduct a step by step system of teacher selection. It includes testing and an interview with the methodology department, training courses and constant support.

  • After the training (if completed successfully) each teacher gets a certificate.
  • Training is conducted by our methodologists and teachers with many years of experience in pedagogy
  • Training lasts for 72 hours, it's conducted online
Brandbook and our personal style

Marketing book and mock ups for advertising products

Marketing research and instruction manuals

We help with promotion

International Website

Negotiating location

Selection of contractors
With the franchise we give you a huge database of marketing materials for every device in any format, we help you with promotion and provide you with all the brand features that already helped us and our partners to obtain profit.
Become a partner
Join the franchise of innovative international IT-schools and make money by doing what you love!
  • Franchise fee
  • Royalty 350 EUR/month for 100 students
  • Training of 2 teacher + 1-2 business owners
  • Access to all curriculum
Possible franchise formats
To learn more about each format, contact your manager.
Online ROBBO CLUB school
(other disciplines + robotics)
IT hub


    Join the world's largest network of robotics schools!
    ROBBO operates in 35 countries worldwide
    © 2023 «ROBBO». All rights reserved.
    Address: Otakaari 7b, 02150 Espoo, Finland
    Tel: +358 40 4187890
    Business ID (Y-tunnus): 2924516-7
    +358 40 4187890